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Participate with Kadena

Join the community and contribute to the documentation, code base, and ecosystem

Support the community

There are many ways to become an active participant in the Kadena community. For example, you can join the conversation on Discord, ask and answer questions on Stack Overflow, or attend Kadena events at conferences. There are also ways you can contribute to the community by providing feedback about projects in progress or suggesting changes to documentation or the codebase. This part of the documentation highlights how you can get involved and where to find more information about community programs, developer programs, grants, partnerships, business development, and ecosystem opportunities, if you’re interested.

Node providers

To participate as a Chainweb a node operator, see the following topics:

Contribute to documentation

Kadena documentation is open source and hosted on GitHub in the docs package directory. To report an issue or make a documentation request, open a New Issue and add the documentation label to it.

If you have a GitHub account and want to suggest changes to the documentation, create a branch and open a pull request as described in Contribute to documentation.

Contribute to the codebase

The Kadena codebase is open source and hosted on GitHub in repositories under two organizations: kadena-io and kadena-community.

  • Repositories in kadena-io are focused on the Kadena network infrastructure and foundational components like chainweb-node and pact.

  • Repositories in kadena-community are focused on tooling and projects to help developers build applications on the Kadena network like the TypeScript libraries in kadena.js.

For more information about contributing to the codebase, you should browse the repositories and corresponding README files.