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Marmalade client utilities

The @kadena/client-utils/marmalade library provides a TypeScript-based API for interacting with marmalade smart contracts on the Kadena network. This library is designed to facilitate the creation, management, and utilization of NFTs, leveraging Marmalade’s advanced features such as enforceable royalties, secure escrow accounts, and flexible token policies.

Whether you're building applications for minting, transferring, or auctioning NFTs, @kadena/client-utils/maramlade provides the necessary tools to create and send commands to the Kadena network efficiently. This guide will help you get started with installing the library, using its various functions, and integrating it into your projects.


You can install the @kadena/client-utils library with the following command:

npm install @kadena/client-utils
npm install @kadena/client-utils

You can import Marmalade functions into TypeScript programs with statements similar to the following example:

import { mintToken } from '@kadena/client-utils/marmalade';
import { mintToken } from '@kadena/client-utils/marmalade';


Use the CommomProps interface to access common properties—including metadata for transaction control, additional capabilities, or additional signers—that are used by other functions.

export interface CommonProps {  meta?: {    senderAccount?: string;    gasLimit?: number;    gasPrice?: number;  };  capabilities?: {    name: string;    props: any[];  }[];  additionalSigners?: {    keyset: {      keys: string[];      pred: BuiltInPredicate;    };    capabilities: {      name: string;      props: any[];    }[];  }[];}
export interface CommonProps {  meta?: {    senderAccount?: string;    gasLimit?: number;    gasPrice?: number;  };  capabilities?: {    name: string;    props: any[];  }[];  additionalSigners?: {    keyset: {      keys: string[];      pred: BuiltInPredicate;    };    capabilities: {      name: string;      props: any[];    }[];  }[];}


Use the IClientConfig interface to specify the network location to send transactions to when connecting to the Kadena network.

export interface IClientConfig {  host?: string | ((options: INetworkOptions) => string);  defaults?: Partial<IPactCommand>;  sign: ISignFunction;} // Example using key-pair:const config: IClientConfig = {  host: '',  defaults: {    networkId: 'development',  },  sign: createSignWithKeypair([targetAccount])};
export interface IClientConfig {  host?: string | ((options: INetworkOptions) => string);  defaults?: Partial<IPactCommand>;  sign: ISignFunction;} // Example using key-pair:const config: IClientConfig = {  host: '',  defaults: {    networkId: 'development',  },  sign: createSignWithKeypair([targetAccount])};


Use burnToken function to eliminate a specified amount of a token. This operation reduces the total supply of the token.

burnToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
burnToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token you want to burn.
accountNamestringSpecifies the account that owns the token you want to burn.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where you want to burn the specified token. Valid values are 0 to 19.
guardobjectSpecifies the token owner or the burn guard, if you've configured a burn guard.
amountIPactDecimalSpecifies the amount to burn.

Policy configuration object

The ICreateTokenPolicyConfig interface identifies the types of policies that are configured for a token as boolean values. The resulting policyConfig object contains properties similar to the following:

{  "customPolicies": false,  "nonUpdatableURI": false,  "guarded": true,  "nonFungible": true,  "hasRoyalty": true,  "collection": true}
{  "customPolicies": false,  "nonUpdatableURI": false,  "guarded": true,  "nonFungible": true,  "hasRoyalty": true,  "collection": true}

Guard object

Depending on whether a token has the guard policy applied and a burn guard defined, the guard object account information might be required to be the token owner or the account specified for the burn guard. For either account, the guard object contains properties similar to the following:

{  "account": "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",  "keyset": {     "keys": ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],     "pred": "keys-all"  }}
{  "account": "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",  "keyset": {     "keys": ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],     "pred": "keys-all"  }}

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether the burn operation was successful or failed.


const result = await burnToken({    chainId,    tokenId,    accountName: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",    guard: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal()  },  config).execute();
const result = await burnToken({    chainId,    tokenId,    accountName: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",    guard: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal()  },  config).execute();


Use buyToken to enable the purchase of a specified token within a defined sale configuration. This function handles the transaction between the seller and buyer, including any applicable auction logic.

buyToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
buyToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


auctionConfigIAuctionPurchaseConfigSpecifies the type of auction if the token is offered for sale using a conventional or dutch auction.
policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token you want to buy.
saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the token sale.
amountIPactDecimalSpecifies the number of tokens you want to buy.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the token is offered for sale. Valid values are 0 to 19.
sellerobjectSpecifies account information for the token seller.
buyerobjectSpecifies the buyer account information and guard.
buyerFungibleAccount?stringSpecifies the fungible name if the fungible for the sale is not using the coin contract.

Policy configuration object

The ICreateTokenPolicyConfig interface identifies the types of policies that are configured for a token as boolean values. The resulting policyConfig object contains properties similar to the following:

{  "customPolicies": false,  "nonUpdatableURI": false,  "guarded": true,  "nonFungible": true,  "hasRoyalty": true,  "collection": true}
{  "customPolicies": false,  "nonUpdatableURI": false,  "guarded": true,  "nonFungible": true,  "hasRoyalty": true,  "collection": true}

Account information objects

Depending on the function, account information objects might consist of different properties. For example, in the context of the buyToken function, the seller object only contains the account name, but the buyer object includes the account information and a keyset guard.

Auction-specific parameters

There are additional inputs for auctions. The interface for conventional auctions (IConventionalAuctionPurchaseInput) and the interface for dutch auctions (IDutchAuctionPurchaseInput) have the following additional inputs:

updatedPriceIPactDecimalSpecifies the current auction price.
escrowobjectSpecifies the escrow sale account in the Marmalade ledger.

Return value

This function returns the sale-id as a string value.


const result = await buyToken({    chainId,    tokenId,    saleId,    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",    },    buyer: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    timeout  },  config)
const result = await buyToken({    chainId,    tokenId,    saleId,    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",    },    buyer: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    timeout  },  config)


Use createAuction to create an auction for a specified token. This function supports both conventional and dutch auction types, allowing the seller to define start and end dates, prices, and other relevant parameters.

createAuction(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
createAuction(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


Both conventional auctions and dutch auctions use the following parameters:

auctionConfigIAuctionPurchaseConfigSpecifies the type of auction to create. Valid vales are conventional and dutch.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where where you want to create the auction. Valid values are 0 to 19.
sellerobjectSpecifies the account information for the token seller.
saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the token sale.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token you want to list.
startDateIPactIntSpecifies the time when auction starts.
endDateIPactIntSpecifies the time when auction ends.
reservedPriceIPactDecimalSpecifies the reserved price for the sale.

The following parameters are only used for creating a dutch auction:

startPriceIPactDecimalSpecifies the initial asking price for the token auction.
priceIntervalInSecondsIPactIntSpecifies the interval for lowering the asking price for the token.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether creating the auction was successful or failed.


const result = await createAuction({    auctionConfig: {      conventional: true,    },    saleId: "",    tokenId: "t:...",    startDate: { int: "" },    endDate: { int: "" },    reservedPrice: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    chainId,    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all',      },    },  },  config,)
const result = await createAuction({    auctionConfig: {      conventional: true,    },    saleId: "",    tokenId: "t:...",    startDate: { int: "" },    endDate: { int: "" },    reservedPrice: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    chainId,    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all',      },    },  },  config,)


Use createBidId to generate a unique bid identifier for a specified auction.

createBidId(inputs): string
createBidId(inputs): string


saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the token sale.
bidderAccountstringSpecifies the bidder account information.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where where you want to create a bid identifier. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for the bid. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for the bid.

Return value

This function returns the bid-id as a string value.


const result = await createBidId({  saleId: "",  bidderAccount: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await createBidId({  saleId: "",  bidderAccount: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use createCollectionId to generate a unique collection identifier.

createCollectionId(inputs): string
createCollectionId(inputs): string


collectionNamestringSpecifies the name of the collection.
operatorstringSpecifies the collection operator.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where where you want to create the collection identifier. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for the collection identifier. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for the collection identifier.

Return value

This function returns the collection-id as a string value.


const result = await createCollectionId({  collectionName: "docs",  chainId: "0",  operator: {    keyset: {      keys: [sourceAccount.publicKey],      pred: 'keys-all',    },  },  networkId: "development",  host: "",});
const result = await createCollectionId({  collectionName: "docs",  chainId: "0",  operator: {    keyset: {      keys: [sourceAccount.publicKey],      pred: 'keys-all',    },  },  networkId: "development",  host: "",});


Use createCollection to initiate the creation of a new collection, specifying its name, size, operator, and other relevant metadata.

createCollection(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
createCollection(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


idstringSpecifies the collection identifier.
namestringSpecifies the collection name.
sizeIPactInt or PactReferenceSpecifies the number of tokens in the collection.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where where you want to create the collection. Valid values are 0 to 19.
operatorobjectSpecifies the operator account and guard.
metaobjectSpecifies the transaction metadata.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether creating the collection was successful or failed.


const result = await createCollection({    id: "collection:...",    name: "Docs",    size: new PactNumber(0).toPactInteger(),    operator: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0"  },  config)
const result = await createCollection({    id: "collection:...",    name: "Docs",    size: new PactNumber(0).toPactInteger(),    operator: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0"  },  config)


Use createTokenId to generate a unique token identifier.

createTokenId(inputs): string
createTokenId(inputs): string


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
policiesArraySpecifies the list of policy names applied to the token.
uristringSpecifies the location of the token metadata JSON file in the form of uniform resource identifier (URI).
precisionIPactInt or PactReferenceSpecifies the token precision.
collectionNamestringSpecifies the name of the token collection, if applicable.
creatorstringSpecifies the token creator account information.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where where you want to create the token identifier. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for the token identifier. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for the token identifier.

Policy configuration object

The ICreateTokenPolicyConfig interface identifies the types of policies that are configured for a token as boolean values. The resulting policyConfig object contains properties similar to the following:

{  "customPolicies": false,  "nonUpdatableURI": false,  "guarded": true,  "nonFungible": true,  "hasRoyalty": true,  "collection": true}
{  "customPolicies": false,  "nonUpdatableURI": false,  "guarded": true,  "nonFungible": true,  "hasRoyalty": true,  "collection": true}

Return value

This function returns the token-id as a string value.


const result = await createTokenId({  uri: "ipfs://...",  precision: { int: '0' },  policies: [],  creator: {    keyset: {      keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],      pred: 'keys-all'    }  },  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await createTokenId({  uri: "ipfs://...",  precision: { int: '0' },  policies: [],  creator: {    keyset: {      keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],      pred: 'keys-all'    }  },  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use createToken to create a new token with all relevant policies applied.

createToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
createToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
policiesArraySpecifies the list of policy names applied to the token.
uristringSpecifies the location of the token metadata JSON file in the form of uniform resource identifier (URI).
precisionIPactInt or PactReferenceSpecifies the token precision.
collectionNamestringSpecifies the name of the token collection, if applicable.
creatorstringSpecifies the token creator account information.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where where you want to create the token. Valid values are 0 to 19.
guardsIGuardInfoInputSpecifies the parameters for the guard policy, if applicable.
royaltyIRoyaltyInfoInputSpecifies the parameters for the royalty policy, if applicable.
collectionICollectionInfoInputSpecifies the parameters for the collection policy, if applicable.

Additional inputs for guard policy (IGuardInfoInput)

mintGuardKeysetGuard or FunctionGuardSpecifies the guard for minting tokens.
uriGuardKeysetGuard or FunctionGuardSpecifies the guard for updating the token metadata and uri.
saleGuardKeysetGuard or FunctionGuardSpecifies the guard for selling tokens.
burnGuardKeysetGuard or FunctionGuardSpecifies the guard for burning tokens.
transferGuardKeysetGuard or FunctionGuardSpecifies the guard for transferring tokens.

Additional inputs for royalty policy (IRoyaltyInfoInput)

fungibleobjectSpecifies the module reference where a fungible token is defined, for example, in the coin contract for KDA.
creatorobjectSpecifies the creator account information and guard.
royaltyRateIPactDecimalSpecifies the royalty percentage to be paid to the creator's account each time a token with this policy applied is sold.

The fungible module object identifies the contracts where specified fungible tokens are defined. For Marmalade and KDA tokens, the fungible object contains the following reference specifications:

{  "refSpec":[    {      "namespace":null,      "name":"fungible-xchain-v1"    },    {      "namespace":null,      "name":"fungible-v2"    }],  "refName":    {      "namespace":null,      "name":"coin"    }},
{  "refSpec":[    {      "namespace":null,      "name":"fungible-xchain-v1"    },    {      "namespace":null,      "name":"fungible-v2"    }],  "refName":    {      "namespace":null,      "name":"coin"    }},

Additional inputs for collection policy (ICollectionInfoInput)

collectionIdstringSpecifies the collection to add the token to.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether creating the token was successful or failed.


const result = await createToken({    uri: "ipfs://...",    precision: { int: '0' },    policies: [],    creator: {      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await createToken({    uri: "ipfs://...",    precision: { int: '0' },    policies: [],    creator: {      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);


Use escrowAccount to retrieve the details for a specified escrow account.

escrowAccount(inputs): string
escrowAccount(inputs): string


saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the token sale.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the escrow account is created. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for the escrow account. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for the escrow account.

Return value

This function returns the escrow-account as a string value.


const result = await escrowAccount({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await escrowAccount({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getAccountDetails to retrieve detailed information, including the token balance, for a specified account.

getAccountDetails(inputs): object
getAccountDetails(inputs): object


tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to retrieve information for.
accountNamestringSpecifies the account name that you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get account details. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving account details. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving account details.

Return value

This functions returns an object with account details.


const result = await getAccountDetails({  tokenId: "t:...",  accountName: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getAccountDetails({  tokenId: "t:...",  accountName: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getAuctionDetails to retrieve detailed information for a specified auction.

getAuctionDetails(inputs): object
getAuctionDetails(inputs): object


auctionConfigIAuctionConfigSpecifies the type of the auction.
saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the sale you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get auction details. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving auction details. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving auction details.

Return value

This functions returns an object with auction details.


const result = await getAuctionDetails({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getAuctionDetails({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getBid to retrieve detailed information, including the bidder and bid amount, for a specific bid placed in the context of a specific auction.

getBid(inputs): object
getBid(inputs): object


bidIdstringSpecifies the identifier for the bid you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get bid details. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving bid details. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving bid details.

Return value

This functions returns an object with bid details.


const result = await getBid({  bidId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getBid({  bidId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getCollectionToken to retrieve information about a specific token within a collection.

getCollectionToken(inputs): object
getCollectionToken(inputs): object


tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get information about a token in a collection. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving information about a token in a collection. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving information about a token in a collection.

Return value

This functions returns an object with details about a token in a collection.


const result = await getCollectionToken({  tokenId: "t:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getCollectionToken({  tokenId: "t:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getCollection to retrieve detailed information about a specified collection.

getCollection(inputs): object
getCollection(inputs): object


collectionIdstringSpecifies the collection identifier for the collection that you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get information about a collection. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving information about a collection. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving information about a collection.

Return value

This functions returns an object with collection details.


const result = await getCollection({  collectionId: "collection:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getCollection({  collectionId: "collection:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getCurrentPrice to retrieve the current price of a token in an auction, reflecting any price adjustments due to auction rules.

getCurrentPrice(inputs): IPactDecimal
getCurrentPrice(inputs): IPactDecimal


saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the sale you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get information about the current price for a token. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving information about the current price for a token. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving information about the current price for a token.

Return value

This functions returns an object with the current price.


const result = await getCurrentPrice({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getCurrentPrice({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getEscrowAccount to retrieve information about an escrow account.

getEscrowAccount(inputs): object
getEscrowAccount(inputs): object


saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the sale you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get information about an escrow account. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving information about an escrow account. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving information about an escrow account.

Return value

This functions returns an object with details about an escrow account.


const result = await getEscrowAccount({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getEscrowAccount({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getQuoteInfo to retrieve information about a specific sale quote.

getQuoteInfo(inputs): object
getQuoteInfo(inputs): object


saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the sale you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get information about a quote. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving information about a quote. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving information about a quote.

Return value

This functions returns an object with quote details.


const result = await getQuoteInfo({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getQuoteInfo({  saleId: "",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getTokenBalance to retrieve the balance recorded in the ledger for a specified token and a specified account.

getTokenBalance(inputs): IPactDecimal
getTokenBalance(inputs): IPactDecimal


tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to retrieve information for.
accountNamestringSpecifies the account name that you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get balance information for a token. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving information about the balance for a token. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving information about the balance for a token.

Return value

This functions returns an IPactDecimal value representing the token balance.


const result = await getTokenBalance({  tokenId: "t:...",  accountName: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getTokenBalance({  tokenId: "t:...",  accountName: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getTokenInfo to retrieve detailed information about a specific token.

getTokenInfo(inputs): object
getTokenInfo(inputs): object


tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get information for the token. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving information about the token. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving information about the token.

Return value

This functions returns an object with token details.


const result = await getTokenInfo({  tokenId: "t:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getTokenInfo({  tokenId: "t:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use getUri to retrieve the URI associated with a specific token.

getUri(inputs): string
getUri(inputs): string


tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to retrieve information for.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain from which you want to get the URI for the token. Valid values are 0 to 19.
networkIdNetworkIdSpecifies the target network for retrieving the URI for the token. Valid values are development, testnet04, and mainnet01.
hostIClientConfig['host']Specifies the target node for retrieving the URI for the token.

Return value

This function returns the token uRI as a string value.


const result = await getUri({  tokenId: "t:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});
const result = await getUri({  tokenId: "t:...",  chainId: "0",  networkId: "development",  host: ""});


Use mintToken function to mint a specified amount of a specified token. Minting a token increases its total supply and assigns ownership of the token to a target account.

mintToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
mintToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token you want to mint.
accountNamestringSpecifies the account that you want to assign ownership of the token to.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the token is being minted. Valid values are 0 to 19.
guardobjectSpecifies the token owner or the mint guard, if applicable.
amountIPactDecimalSpecifies the amount to mint.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether minting the token was successful or failed.


const result = await mintToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    accountName: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    guard: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await mintToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    accountName: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    guard: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);


Use offerToken to put a specified token up for sale. Note that you must be the token owner to offer the specified token for sale.

offerToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
offerToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to offer for sale.
amountIPactDecimalSpecifies the amount that you want to offer for sale.
timeoutIPactIntSpecifies the timeout for when the offer can be withdrawn. You can set this value using the number of seconds from the start of the UNIX epoch or set the timeout to zero (0) to allow an offer to be withdrawn at any time.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the token is being offered. Valid values are 0 to 19.
sellerobjectSpecifies the seller account information and guard.
auctionISaleAuctionInfoInputAdditional parameters if you are offering the token using an auction contract.
guardsISaleGuardInfoInputAdditional parameters if you are offering a token that has the guard policy applied.
royaltyIRoyaltyInfoInputAdditional parameters if you are offering a token that has the royalty policy applied.

Additional inputs for auction contract (ISaleAuctionInfoInput)

fungibleobjectSpecifies the identifier to specify a fungible token, such as coin or a custom fungible token.
priceIPactDecimalSpecifies the price that the token is being offered at. For auction contracts, this setting should be zero (0).
sellerFungibleAccountIPactDecimalSpecifies the seller account information if you are using a custom fungible.
saleTypestringSpecifies the auction contract type. Valid values are conventional and dutch.

Additional inputs for guard policy (ISaleGuardInfoInput)

saleGuardKeysetGuard or FunctionGuardSpecifies the guard for selling tokens.

Additional inputs for royalty policy (IRoyaltyInfoInput)

fungibleobjectSpecifies the identifier to specify a fungible token, such as coin or a custom fungible token.
creatorobjectSpecifies the creator account information and guard.
royaltyRateIPactDecimalSpecifies the royalty percentage to be paid to the creator's account each time a token with this policy applied is sold.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether creating the offer was successful or failed.


const result = await offerToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    timeout: new PactNumber(1).toPactInteger(),    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await offerToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    timeout: new PactNumber(1).toPactInteger(),    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);


Use placeBid to place a bid on a specified token in an active auction.

placeBid(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
placeBid(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


marketplaceConfigobjectSpecifies the configuration to collect marketplace fees.
saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the sale.
bidIPactDecimalSpecifies the amount to bid on the token.
bidderobjectSpecifies the bidder account information and guard.
escrowAccountstringSpecifies the escrow account for the bid.
marketplaceFeeIPlaceBidInputAdditional parameters, if using marketplace fees.

Marketplace object

The marketplaceConfig object specifies whether a marketplace charges fees. For example:

{  "marketplaceFee": true}
{  "marketplaceFee": true}

If true, the IPlaceBidInput interface requires the following additional parameters:

mkAccountstringSpecifies the marketplace account information.
mkFeePercentageIPactDecimalSpecifies the marketplace fee percentage.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether placing the bid was successful or failed.


const result = await placeBid({    saleId: "",    bid: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    bidder: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    escrowAccount: "",    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await placeBid({    saleId: "",    bid: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    bidder: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    escrowAccount: "",    chainId: "0",  },  config);


Use transferCreateToken to transfer a specified amount of a specified token from one account to another.

transferCreateToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
transferCreateToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to transfer.
amountIPactDecimalSpecifies the amount that you want to transfer.
senderobjectSpecifies the sender account information and guard.
receiverobjectSpecifies the receiver account information and guard.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the transfer takes place. Valid values are 0 to 19.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether transferring the token was successful or failed.


const result = await transferCreateToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    sender: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    receiver: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await transferCreateToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    sender: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    receiver: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);


Use transferToken to transfer a specified amount of a specified token from one account to another.

transferToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
transferToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringtoken identifier for the token that you want to transfer.
amountIPactDecimalSpecifies the amount that you want to transfer.
senderobjectSpecifies the sender account information and guard.
receiverobjectSpecifies the receiver account information and guard.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the transfer takes place. Valid values are 0 to 19.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether transferring the token was successful or failed.


const result = await transferToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    sender: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    receiver: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await transferToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    sender: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    receiver: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);


Use updateAuction to modify an existing auction's details. This function supports updates to both conventional and dutch auction types, enabling changes to start and end dates, prices, and other relevant parameters.

updateAuction(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
updateAuction(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


Both conventional auctions and dutch auctions use the following parameters:

auctionConfigIAuctionPurchaseConfigSpecifies the type of auction to update. Valid vales are conventional and dutch.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where where you want to update the auction. Valid values are 0 to 19.
sellerobjectSpecifies the account information for the token seller.
saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the token sale.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token you want to list.
startDateIPactIntSpecifies the time when auction starts.
endDateIPactIntSpecifies the time when auction ends.
reservedPriceIPactDecimalSpecifies the reserved price for the sale.

The following parameters are only used for updating a dutch auction:

startPriceIPactDecimalSpecifies the initial asking price for the token auction.
priceIntervalInSecondsIPactIntSpecifies the interval for lowering the asking price for the token.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether the update to the auction was successful or failed.


const result = await updateAuction({    auctionConfig: {      conventional: true,    },    saleId: "",    tokenId: "t:...",    startDate: { int: "" },    endDate: { int: "" },    reservedPrice: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    chainId,    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all',      },    },  },  config,)
const result = await updateAuction({    auctionConfig: {      conventional: true,    },    saleId: "",    tokenId: "t:...",    startDate: { int: "" },    endDate: { int: "" },    reservedPrice: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    chainId,    seller: {      account: "k:5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937",      keyset: {        keys: ["5a2afbc4564b76b2c27ce5a644cab643c43663835ea0be22433b209d3351f937"],        pred: 'keys-all',      },    },  },  config,)


Use updateUri to update the URI associated with a specified token. You can use this function to modify the metadata associated with the specified token. Note that modifying the metadata for a token also updates the token identifier. You can prevent a token from being upgradeable by applying the non-updatable-uri-policy to the token.

updateUri(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
updateUri(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to update.
uristringSpecifies the location of the token metadata JSON file in the form of uniform resource identifier (URI) that you want to update.
guardobjectSpecifies the update URI (uriGuard) account information and guard.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the token is being updated. Valid values are 0 to 19.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether updating the token URI was successful or failed.


const result = await updateUri({    tokenId: "t:...",    uri: "ipfs://new-uri",    guard: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await updateUri({    tokenId: "t:...",    uri: "ipfs://new-uri",    guard: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);


Use withdrawToken to withdraw a specified token from a sale.

withdrawToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper
withdrawToken(inputs, config): IEmitterWrapper


policyConfigobjectSpecifies which types of policies are configured for the specified token. This object is used to validate that you have expected types defined for the all of the policies you have selected for a token.
tokenIdstringSpecifies the token identifier for the token that you want to transfer.
saleIdstringSpecifies the Pact identifier for the sale.
amountIPactDecimalSpecifies the amount to withdraw.
timeoutIPactIntSpecifies the timeout for when the offer can be withdrawn.
sellerobjectSpecifies the seller account information and guard.
chainIdChainIdSpecifies the chain identifier for the chain where the token is being withdrawn. Valid values are 0 to 19.

Return value

This function returns a boolean value to indicate whether withdrawing the token was successful or failed.


const result = await withdrawToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    saleId: "",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    timeout: new PactNumber(1).toPactInteger(),    seller: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);
const result = await withdrawToken({    tokenId: "t:...",    saleId: "",    amount: new PactNumber(1).toPactDecimal(),    timeout: new PactNumber(1).toPactInteger(),    seller: {      account: "k:368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca",      keyset: {        keys: ["368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"],        pred: 'keys-all'      }    },    chainId: "0",  },  config);